Let me give you your time back.

Hi, I’m Danielle Fanfair. I’m a writer, and through my literary lens, I’ve developed the empathy-driven Confusion to Clarity Curriculum.

I teach high-impact, high-functioning professionals to create an environment of psychological safety, belonging, and trust for themselves and those with whom they collaborate.

I write, teach and design integrated well-being experiences for all kinds of industry leaders and professionals. My interest is in merging proven results of behavioral science study with understanding how personality and cultural background work with how our minds, hearts, and bodies connect.

Serving individuals, couples, communities, 501c3 organizations, corporate teams, boards of directors + more

You are more powerful than you know.

You deserve all the rest, compassion and growth

that is possible for you!

My life's work and purpose in the world is to help you return to your memory of wholeness. Together, we’ll reflect on your story, observe your present self and learn to “metabolize” your life experiences and expand your superpowers. Then we compassionately move toward self-mastery, productivity and optimal performance personally, professionally and beyond. When we begin to see ourselves and our world as we truly are, we are able to prepare a grace and compassion for those around us, increasing the warmth, wealth and collaborative power of our relationships in every area of our lives. 

The Enneagram Framework

The Enneagram is a nine-pointed sacred image (above) that is used to map the dynamic processes of many things, including nine paths of human nature. The symbol helps us to explore nine ways in which we respond to early trauma with habits and behaviors that become known as our personality.

The symbol dates back over 6,500 as a tool that the Sufi muslims, Buddhists, Ancient Christians and now, western psychologists and helping professionals, used to understand human behavior.

Through this ancient symbol, we explore nine ways that we are asleep and nine ways that we fully show up in the world.

 Client Praise

Enneagram & DEI training with Danielle Fanfair, owner of Confusion to Clarity

“She was phenomenal!”

“A very good facilitator for multi-sensory learning (which she probably wasn't aware of in our group, but lecture-style speaking can be difficult. She was wonderful, though.)”

-CEO/Corporate Client

Enneagram & DEI training with Danielle Fanfair, owner of Confusion to Clarity

“Danielle taught us to value our differences.”

“My goal was for our board to become more familial as we navigate the challenges of directing our organization. Through Danielle's teaching, we grew to understand each other, hear each other and value our perspectives.”


Enneagram & DEI training with Danielle Fanfair, owner of Confusion to Clarity

“She will bring life to your deepest desires and meaning to your wildest ideas and passions.”

"Danielle is able to put into words the feelings we have deep in our soul but have never been able to express.”

- Board Training Participant